"To Be or Not to Be: That Remains the Question!"

You have the answers! Today, will you do what is necessary to enhance your knowledge and act upon your God-given talents? Don't wait - tomorrow may be too late!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


BE SOLUTION-ORIENTED - We ALL need to hone our true skills and abilities, making them known and really helping others. We should NOT just seize opportunity for personal gain! It's time for us to maximize God-given gifts and talents (in adults AND children), bringing them "all to the table" for the purpose of building a better society. We ALL have to work hard toward shaping a common humanity - across race and ethnicity, sex and gender, religious denominations, age and disability, policy and political affiliations, and everything else that has divided us! It's the only way to really "turn things around" and create the circumstances under which we fully develop our children! Let's join in the commitment to positively impact our communities! There is always strength in numbers! ENOUGH OF THE RHETORIC! ARISE!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BE PRINCIPLED! (for what do you stand?)

BE PRINCIPLED! A real problem in today's society is too many people don't have principles! These same people are not trustworthy and should not be included in your inner circle.  It becomes very easy for those who dwell among us - without principles - to plot and plan, scheme and scan and prey upon you when you are most vulnerable. These folk come from all walks of life.  Some of this behavior is learned, beginning in school and then later honed in college while trying to determine every possible way to avoid assignments - even major exams.  You know them - you can even call their names.  For others, un-principled behavior comes out when competing for a job, or while on the job - competing for the "plum assignment!" For those having decision-making power as your superior - you'll see the negative behavior as they try to turn your every positive into a negative! Why? They are insecure themselves! They may not be fully developed and see something in you that they want for themselves.  They may be envious, unhappy with their own lives, or just mean and nasty - attempting to use every "ism" that they can apply! All of the folk described here can be detrimental to your progress - but only if YOU allow that to happen. 

You must "know when to hold and when to fold" - every battle is not yours to fight!  If you are committed to the progress of the common humanity, you know that there is a larger war at hand.  Children are being abused daily!  Teens are being murdered and/or are committing suicide even as the words on this post are being written! Women AND girls are being hypersexualized - leaving them vulnerable to control by men.  Mothers are being left behind to raise children - often without the full financial support of the "other parent," without help (or even encouraging words) from the "other parent's" family members and without assistance from society.  Fathers are unable to obtain employment necessary to support their children (or choose not to do so).  Many parents are walking away from responsibility period - leaving children behind to raise themselves! Authorities stand ready to lock up, throw away and/or totally disregard members of underrepresented populations and/or lower socioeconomic demographics - even abusing children (as was the case in Pennsylvania's judicial scandal).  Many feel they are being attacked from all sides, and several wander around with a sense of helplessness and hopelessness!  Where have we landed? What is going on? What must you do?

In these times of great crises, you must STAND ON PRINCIPLE! Know that you will be given the strength and direction - not just to survive, but to THRIVE. Reinvent yourself, and see a "setback as a setup for a comeback (Pat Russell-McCloud)!"  No matter the obstacles, raise children into strong leaders - sure of themselves, not easy prey for attacks from the enemy - this is the only way to advance the generations!  God is ready to help you, if you will only lean on HIM and pay attention to what is being shared.  Bring all of your talents and gifts to the table.  Step up, step out, step on, STAND -- know that you have the "ultimate trump card to be played!" God is willing and able - HE waits on you!

In closing - as always - Here's to our season, our time of "being" -- our journey together as we make the most of the life that God has given to each of us! All the best and be blessed!

Cheryl A. Mobley-Stimpson, the author of this post, can be followed on Facebook (same name). Also follow her @PhillySportsMom on Facebook and Twitter. Second blog devoted to youth development and reinventing moms @ www.phillysportsmom.blogspot.com.

Monday, August 16, 2010

BE SENSIBLE! (needed immediately - Interfaith Harmony!)

BE SENSIBLE! It's true - we are in a 24/7 media cycle.  People are paid "here, there and everywhere" to "create the spin" that sells - brings the buzz!  At the same time, our school systems continue to release citizens that do not have the necessary critical thinking skills. The real truth is not always apparent.  The lack of skills causes many people to respond by quickly giving "knee jerk reactions!"   Add to all of this the negative forces in place to keep people at each other's throats - to do everything possible to make interfaith harmony an impossibility! Will you let these forces prevail?  Where's the common sense? Not always readily found. All of this is obvious in the latest flurry of activity over Barack Obama's recent comments regarding attempts to build a Mosque near the World Trade Buildings. Obama stated at a gathering of Muslims that he respects the right of those assembled to build a place of worship on private property - in keeping with the religious liberty upon which our great nation was founded.  Later, for purposes of clarity, Obama stated that he referenced "right" and did not comment on the "wisdom" of building a Mosque in the location in question.  Reporters now want to say that Obama "retreated" from earlier comments.

Be unfazed by the "spin" that is being attempted!  Obama was not wrong in his comments on Americans' right to religious freedom.  The "spinners" (both political and media-related) think we can't distinguish between the two comments.  The "spinners"  think we will turn on President Obama, while so many others (Clintons, Bush clan) remain silent.  The "spinners" are wrong!  Thank God for clarity of thought - for waking us up in our right minds, able to make informed decisions.   Let's quickly move toward interfaith harmony in America - society so desperately needs this!

As always - in closing - "Here's to our season, our time of 'being' -- our journey together as we make the most of the life that God has given to each of us!

Cheryl A. Mobley-Stimpson is a "thought leader" and the author of this post.  Cheryl can be followed on Facebook (same name), @PhillySportsMom on Facebook and Twitter. Second blog @ www.phillysportsmom.blogspot.com.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


BE UNLEASHED! All power has been given to you! All hope lies within you! Get your direction from above.  Walk toward the LIGHT - it is beckoning you!  The light is illuminating your path so clearly it is almost blinding at times.  That's when you walk the good walk of faith.  No glasses are needed.  Don't worry if you stumble -- God is there to lift you back up.  Don't worry if you are not supported by man!  HIS shoulder is there to give you rest! Put your hand in HIS hand - HE will lead you on.  And when you're downtrodden -- heavy laden -- and feel as if you can't go the rest of the way, fall on your knees -- go to the throne room to be spiritually nourished and hydrated -- to be shaped up and shipped back out to complete unfinished business.  In these treacherous times, you need Him now more than ever.  HE knows your needs and stands by to deliver.  Just don't turn away -- don't turn back!  Keep walking toward the light - there are wondrous joys to behold, and you'll never share that expericene - if you stop walking now! ARISE!

"Here's to our season, our time of 'being' -- our journey together as we make the most of the life that God has given to each of us! All the best and be blessed!  Cheryl A. Mobley-Stimpson, J.D.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


BE CHALLENGED! Don't become satisfied with average! Don't become complacent with minimum success! No, the name of the game is MAXIMIZING POTENTIAL! You can be like everybody else.  Or, YOU can stand out from the crowd.  You can set minimum standards, or you can GO FOR IT! You know that saying used over and over - "CONCEIVE IT, BELIEVE IT, ACHIEVE IT!" Be prepared for others to scratch their heads and not understand you. Know that they will talk about you saying, "There she goes again .... why is she now doing that?" It's not for them to embrace and understand!  The understanding belongs to you, because YOU are the person being directed.  YOU are the one following your inner voice.  YOU are being led to your purpose! Dare you, step out on faith! ARISE!

Friday, August 13, 2010


BE ADAPTABLE! Life will bring many unexpected consequences your way!  You will be tested, torn and tossed - even left depleted and dismayed.  How long will you stay down? Do you really think that a "great white horse" will come galloping to scoop you up and ride you safely away?  Do you really think that "they" will make room for you in an already "enclosed clique" that looks out at you and down upon you as it is?  The truth is you may be in this position because what's good enough for others is not good enough for you.  You are a child of God and He wants the best for you.  He is waiting to see if you will finally - NOW - surrender and focus on your real passion and purpose for "being" on this earth.  Is it your time? You better believe it - it is the time for you to rise! Today - it is your time to "BE!" 

Contact - Cheryl A. Mobley-Stimpson, J.D. aka "PhillySportsMom" on Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogspot


For several weeks, I have posted a unique daily statement that begins with the word "BE" followed by an adjective.  These statements are so unique, I could not possibly repeat them exactly the same from memory alone. The response to these statements has been amazing to me, and I am so thankful for the words of encouragement and support from those friends who are following me - all of this exceeds my wildest imagination. The statements are spontaneous and I write the words immediately as they come to me!  Usually, I am informed  by past and present circumstances or by dreams yet to be realized.  Sometimes, I am informed by concern and frustration.  Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by joy.

Just yesterday I noticed that my entire statements were being lifted and attributed to another individual.  There was also the perception that my words were tied into the endorsement of a company of which I have no familiarity.  So, beginning immediately, I will post my "BE" statements from this site.  Please feel free to continue to respond - either on Facebook, on this site or in both places.  This way, my words will forever be tied to my thoughts - although anybody can continue to directly quote me at any time. Better yet, just hit the share button and the entire text will appear where directed!

Here's to our season, our time of "being" -- our journey together as we make the most of the life that God has given to each of us!